What is Tik Tok and Does My Business Need It?

social media tiktok Dec 21, 2020

In the past year, Tik Tok has become a household name for parents of teenagers. The short-form video sharing platform invites users to record and view quirky lip-syncing videos. On the heels of the announcement that Tik Tok surpassed the one billion download mark, (surpassing Snapchat, Tumblr, and Twitch users), major brands are jumping into the platform. However, it may not make sense for everyone.

Tik Tok’s premise is simple: encourage users to share 15-second videos, serve them to the people that are most likely to watch, engage, and continue watching. Unlike Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, content on a Tik Tok feed is not generated by the individuals followed. Instead, Tik Tok’s algorithm predicts the type of videos users will want to see and content is prioritized by what they are most likely to enjoy. People don’t matter as much as the video content. This is key to the platform’s success – virality. 

As 66% of Tik Tok users are under age 30 and 41% are between 16 and 24 years of age, many higher ed institutions are jumping into the platform. The University of Florida was one of the first colleges to join, and our client, Barry University, will be launching their Tik Tok account this month.

If you’re going to turn to Tik Tok, the key is to make it look organic. Large brands, have found success on the new channel by creating “challenges.” Chipotle racked up 230 million views with its #ChipotleLidFlip campaign and continues its fame with the #GuacDance. Sony recently paid for a campaign called “100 Bad Stories” by AJR, and shortly after two Tik Tok influencers used the songs in their videos, and followers began creating their own versions.  


Should I start a Tik Tok account for my business?
Many brands are watching Tik Tok see if it’s a phase (think Vine) or here to stay (think Instagram), but if Gen Z is a company's target demographic, then Tik Tok is for you (at least at this moment). 

As with all social media platforms, it’s best to have a plan before diving in. Decide who will create videos, how the videos will be developed and edited, who will be posting for your business or organization, and what makes them viral.  

For more information on Tik Tok or to discuss a social media plan that's right for you, contact Katherine ([email protected]


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